接著重點來了,詐騙份子非常善良地提醒我們,如果想要安心入睡,只要支付 250 美金到他們指定的 BTC 比特幣錢包帳戶(Bitcoin Wallet Address),他們就不會把會把這些熱門的隱私資料販售到暗網(Darknet)上。
下面這串英文就是詐騙份子寄來的恐嚇信件內容,內文附上一串比特幣 Bitcoin 錢包地址「17UK4ow9fvWNKxeQMXubKQGbQ8dn7ihciK」,強烈建議大家有興趣的話,務必轉帳試試(別擔心被騙,筆者已親切地改成我的地址了)。
Hello! You’ve been hacked! Now we have all the information about you and your accounts: + all your logins and passwords from all accounts in payment systems, social. networks, e-mail, messengers and other services (cookies from all your browsers, i.e. access without a login and password to any of your accounts) + history of all your correspondence by e-mail, messengers and social. networks + all files from your PC (text, photo, video and audio files) Changing your username and password will not help, we will hack you again. Pay a ransom of $ 250 and you can sleep peacefully without worrying that all information about you and all your accounts, files and personal correspondence will not become public and will not fall into the hands of intruders. Bitcoin wallet to which you want to transfer $ 250 17UK4ow9fvWNKxeQMXubKQGbQ8dn7ihciK If you do not pay until tomorrow evening, then we will sell all this information on the darknet, there is a huge demand for such information Pay $ 250 and sleep well!
請參考下面一串英文,這是我隔了一兩天後又收到的詐騙郵件,內文警示我們還沒支付 250 美金贖款,他們感覺被羞辱(誤)。
這次他們還是一樣很大方給了一個機會,只要 7 個小時以內支付贖金,我們還是可以保護個人資料不被諸如恐怖組織的壞份子利用。
Hello! You still have not paid the requested amount of $ 250. We found very interesting in your hacked accounts information that will cost more than $ 3000 on the darknet. We give you one last chance. You have 7 hours to translate the requested amount. If you don’t care who uses your data, then you can do nothing. Bitcoin wallet to which you want to transfer $ 250 17UK4ow9fvWNKxeQMXubKQGbQ8dn7ihciK
不過老實說,威脅販售個資這種科技黑暗面,在我國應該很難造成太大的緊張感。畢竟就連我們自己政府的資料庫都已經被駭客入侵看光光,連官員都不敢說清楚到底有多少資料實質外洩,按照他們的官方說法「早期資料被竊而已,不礙事。」 —— 嗯,看來起碼新生兒還算安全。
最後還是得讚美一下這個詐騙份子,基本一些使用亂碼信箱帳號、IP 跳頻這些都有做到,我們老百姓想要追蹤難度頗高,最重要的果然還是他們竟然玩二次通知這種讓人會心一笑地把戲,真心想替他們好棒棒鼓鼓掌。