美國 IdeaLab 的創辦人比爾·葛洛斯(Bill Gross),在 First Round Capital 舉辦的 CEO 高峰年會中,分享他這十七年來的創業心得10條總結,包括:
- Find people that aren’t like you:尋找與你擁有不同特質的夥伴。
- Surround yourself with people who know more than you:尋找比你更厲害的夥伴。
- Make the cash last:金錢利益放在最後。
- Immediately show the door to the non-A players (really):讓沒能力的人離開。
- Mean what you say and say what you mean:清楚真實的表達!
- Make decisions, fast:決策迅速。
- Admit your mistakes openly and be open to change:承擔錯誤,勇敢改變。
- Give credit where credit is due:信任。
- Embrace failure:擁抱失敗。
- Figure out if someone actually wants what you’re selling as cheap and fast as humanly possible:找出需求。
在創業前,或是正在開創新路的你,知道這 10 條由經驗累積下來的智慧心法,對於你的未來之路肯定有所幫助。